Monday, 28 January 2013

New Release: Rhino Themes for Rhino5!

Long wait is over! Bugs are fixed and Rhino Themes for Rhino 5 is re-uploaded as the final version. Previously, I had to remove the file because it had some bugs. But now you can change your workspace of final release of Rhino 5! Please comment or e-mail for your theme suggestions in order to see them in next releases.

This is the UI revolution of Rhino! Here are 8 themes to make your Rhino native and more familiar with your system's theme. More themes will be added and some may be removed in next releases. Let's select your favourite theme! You can find the download button at the bottom.

(Click on the image to see fullsize.)


  1. Thanks for your quick replys and help!

  2. Toolbar development is best method to increase traffic to your website. It is easy or cost effective method to increase business. Nice post.

  3. A silly question please!

    How do i apply those themes :)

    Have a nice day

    1. Refer to path something like this... C:\Users\я\AppData\Roaming\McNeel\Rhinoceros\5.0\UI

  4. Of course it's not silly :) You can refer to the "FAQ" page for information. Have you downloaded the toolbar by clicking the button at the end of the post above?

  5. Wow! And how to restore default settings UI? When you select the "Default" theme of the settings can not be restored, in particular color selected tools and elements such as Grid Snap...

    1. "Default" theme changes colors for the buttons like Grid Snap too, but actually I'm not sure if they are the default colors. I have to make a clean install of Rhino5 and copy the default theme colors again.

  6. Ochenya horosho)

  7. Rhino print this message: "Not compatible" .. ? My Rhino is 5.0 version, what this error?!!

  8. I'm uses Rhinoceros 5.0 (Educational) in Windows 10 64 bits. While installation theme process, Rhino print this message in screen:
    "File type not suported by Rhinoceros". What this it? How i fix this error? Thanks for help me!

    1. Hello! Please refer to the first question here:
      Make sure that you are not dragging the zip file into Rhino window. You must extract the RUI file and drag it instead.

  9. Nice job! but if you don't mind there a part that seems to be forgotten. The right side bar for layers and properties color doesn't change ,it remains bright and doesn't match dark tones, it would be great if you fix that...

    1. Hi! It is not forgotten and it isn't a bug. Rhino does not allow to change the background color of side panels. If it becomes possible in Rhino 6, I will implement it.

  10. nasıl yükleniyor bu

    1. İndirdiğiniz .rui uzantılı dosyayı Rhino penceresine sürüklemeniz yeterli.

  11. Thanks ! Very nice. although the PS dark is my fav BUT the black lines in the icons gets too hard to see :/

    1. Thank you! I also like PS dark theme, but unfortunately I can't change the icons. I hope we can see some improvements in Rhino 6.

  12. Hi there, very nice work, love the colors options. However,the GRID SNAP, ORTHO, PLANAR , etc buttons stay cyan type of blue, no matter the theme selected. Worse, resetting the colors scheme in Rhino colors options does not return it back to grey. Definitely stuck to blue. Any idea? Txs.

  13. Box download doesn't work anymore

  14. Thank you very much for making this plugin and also for keeping it free. Few altruistic people nowaways.

  15. Thank you for your time and effort! Like it alot!


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Ufuboceros aims to help Rhino users by contributing Rhino's default user interface or by explaining some less known tips. Most of the posts are about custom toolbars and buttons, menu arrangements and macros for specific needs. Please help us by giving feedback and making contributions. You can also share our posts anywhere, including a credit to Ufuboceros.

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