Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Planar Distance Toolbar Button for Rhino4&5

Simple measuring between two surfaces: Click the button (or use the alias you assigned), select one surface, select the second, and voila!

It works for surfaces that are planar and parallel to each other. Non-planar surfaces may give wrong results. You can select surfaces of polysurfaces.


  1. Are you sure this file is correct ? It seems to be something else to change properties of objects

  2. Hello,
    Thank you for your alert. I just tried the function now. The button actually does what we expect. For your information, what it does is to create one CPlane through each surface you click and then drawing a line between them and give its length. But the result is not easily seen. You should press F2 to see the command history, where you will see the result of measurement.

    I have to revise the macro to make it more user friendly. I will post it when it is ready.


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